Bashar – Allowance
2 MP3
Bashar discusses how to apply surrender and allowance to magnify your ability to act on your passion along the path of least resistance.
Session Date: December 5, 2015
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Session Length: 2 hours
Q&A includes:
• How does the word Surrender relate to Allowance?
• Why does pregnancy connect to Surrender?
• Why don’t both genders in our society get pregnant and bear children?
• How can I identify negative beliefs?
• How can I choose between excitements?
• Can you give some clarity on the path of least resistance and following your excitement?
• Can one parent and follow their excitement at the same time?
• Are the Council of Nine connected with Saturn?
• Is there an equivalent of a menstrual cycle for men?
• What do Bluejays signify?
• How does allowance work with fear?
• If a person is having an experience that is deeply negative, should we still apply the AAA formula?
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