Wendy Kennedy – Galactic Light Codes
Webrip -15 MP3s, 10 MP4s, 4 PNG
So this month I wanted to create a new galactic light code to help support us as we move into the holiday season in two weeks. While I thought initially we would be doing a code on balance or the illusion of perfectionism, I was a bit surprised when the guides suggested we do a code to help support us with patience. But once they explained to me why, it made perfect sense. Without patience for ourselves, it makes it very difficult to move through any situation, no matter what the issue is. Included in the video is a short explanation, an activation, and a meditation for you to go along with the code. Be sure to leave us a comment below, and let us know what you experience.
Meditation Transcript:
In this time and in this space, I now open to infinite patience and allow the energy of Source to flow effortlessly through me. I accept that all things are experienced in Divine timing. While I may not be able to foresee an outcome from my current level of awareness, I trust that I will experience life in the most appropriate way and in the most appropriate time for the highest good and growth for myself and all others. I extend infinite patience to myself for all my perceived flaws and limitations. I release any conditions or expectations I may have placed upon myself or others that cause impatience. I align with the knowingness that I am a Divine Being of Light and that every experience, regardless of my egoic perception, is an opportunity for me to learn and grow at the soul level. In this knowingness, I extend infinite patience for the journey of exploration to myself, and I extend that patience to all others as they too seek to explore. In this moment, I now forgive myself fully and completely for any impatience I may have expressed as well as any harsh thought or word I may have had about myself or others, or any deed I may have undertaken, knowingly or unknowingly, in this lifetime and in all other lifetimes. I now extend to others forgiveness for any impatience, harsh thought, word or deed they may have expressed towards me, knowingly or unknowingly, in this lifetime and in all other lifetimes. I know in every moment there is richness of Source to be explored. My impatience is my perception of the absence of a particular vibration in my experience. In every moment all things may be experienced. I allow in this moment the opportunity to shift my perspective so that I may see the beauty, richness and wholeness of every moment. And as I do so, I experience infinite patience for nothing is lacking in my reality. I am grateful for the patience that is boundlessly extended to me as I learn and grow, and it is with infinite gratitude I reflect that same patience to myself, others, nature, Mother Earth, and the entire Universe. And so it is.
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