Brendon Burdiard – High Performance Academy 2015
4 Audio (MP3) +33 videos (mp4,flv,webm..
Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Academy was an amazing, eye opening, educational and inspirational event.
It really is heart wrenching when trying to capture something like the experience over 900 people shared with mere words.
One quick glance at the topics covered, never mind the detail, depth and comprehensive level Brendon dove to, is what I plan to provide you here. Basically – if you have any doubt about whether you should become aligned with Brendon, or one of his coaches, or his group in anyway – my suggestion is HOP! JUMP! SCREAM! Do whatever you need to do in order to get involved, get connected, and get dialed in!
The overall message was that none of us – Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs, Jim Carrey, even Brendon Burchard – and definitely not me or you – are living at our highest potential! Brendon spent days outlining methods, practices, concepts and both abstract and concrete ideas focused on helping each of us take just one step closer… closer to that highest possible performance. Brendon believes, and I agree, that we all owe it to the world to bring our best selves. We all have people in our lives that want us to show up as our highest selves. Yes – I chose ‘want’ in that last sentence, just so I could go on to then say – ‘then there are those folks that DESERVE our fullest realization of who we are – right?
Who in your life deserves your greatest self?
We all have someone: Mom, Dad, Spouse, Partner, Kids… friends, tribe, or clients – right?
So – what can YOU do to bring your best to every moment of your life?
That was the message – you CAN! and should bring your highest self to every moment of your life – both for those others that deserve it and that ONE special person that deserves it the most – YOURSELF!
YOU deserve to live life at your highest, happiest, most Enthusiastic potential – right?
The overarching message was less how, and more – when? and the answer to that question is NOW.
Presence in the moment. Presence when you arrive home from a hectic day and commute and your spouse is eager for your time and attention.
NOW – that moment when your child craves your undivided attention to help build a dollhouse, hit a ball, kick a ball – whatever it is… in that moment. That was the main message broadcast… now – how do you do THAT? That was what the supporting parts of the long weekend were all about!
NOW – that brief moment just as you wake and have your first conscious thought of the day… What are you thankful for? What are you excited about? How do you intend to show up today – for everyone, including yourself?
Brendon exposed so many strategies that he uses to empower him to establish, maintain, and enliven his ‘now’.
Energy management is HUGE! Mind management, since your brain uses a disproportionate amount of your body’s available energy was huge as well.
Diet, exercise – both physical and mental – played a big part of several discussions.
Mental agility and the practice of ‘checking in’ several times throughout your day with yourself – your mental state, were discussed and lessons shared on how to establish those habits as well! There are several tiny, easy, little tricks and strategies that we are implementing in our lives to help remind us to check in and ask: “How do I feel? How do I want to feel? Am I being true to my intentions?’
Figuring out what you REALLY want to feel, what you want to experience, what you want your life to be about – and then making your life support your desires… it sounds like such an easy little bullet sitting there, doesn’t it? Hilarious how it is literally a lifelong pursuit!
One key takeaway for a huge portion of the audience was that the ONLY difference between what you have and how you are currently living, and how you WANT to live – what you WANT in your life… the only difference is in what you do every day. Your decisions. Your habits and routines and daily actions. Those are the things that will decide where you are next month, 6 months from now – a year, two years… etc… Your daily habits and actions will decide what your life is about. So – how do you do it?
Brendon never used this specific word, but I resonated with his message and frequently discuss the ‘how’ by using the term: “State of Flow”. Brendon has mastered living in flow better and more consistently than anyone I’ve found yet! He recognizes the stages of flow and instead of having a daily cycle, he seems to have mastered having much longer stages where he will work, and play, and live, in a constant state of flow for weeks – then allow a recovery period to enable him to come back into that state full force! Amazing!
Brendon’s big secret is constantly ‘checking in’ with himself and asking:
So, what’s YOUR next step?
Have you established a daily morning routine that is healthy for your body and mind? In order to do that, the majority of the population will probably need to rise at least half an hour earlier every day… Understandably, your first reaction is probably ‘NO WAY!’ I’m already tired all day because I get up too early! Well – what time did you go to bed? Yep – this was a big help for me personally. I sometimes struggle with my ‘perfect’ morning routine… so I KNEW I needed to get a good ‘evening landing’ established which would become a habitual way for me to wind down and get into bed – and most importantly get to sleep! Every night, not necessarily the same time, but definitely in time to give me at least 7 hours of decent sleep! (7 to 9 hours is Brendon’s suggestion – all coming from the incredible work on the mind from Dr. Amen!)
So – One huge hiccup for me personally during all this ‘daily habits’, and ‘rituals’, and be in bed by such and such a time… was my overwhelming desire to be FREE! I do NOT want someone telling me when to go to sleep – much less what to do every morning – EVERY morning repeated in the same way!?!?! NO WAY! Well – at least not at first. Realizing that as I learn these lessons and start implementing them – I’m NOT part of the heard any more! I’m deciding to live a charged life, as Brendon would say. You and I are literally stepping WAY outside the norm and into a realm that less than 10% of the population of the is able to maintain! (how many of you have ever been labeled ‘normal’ anyway?)
So – what is your current highest impact change that you need to make?
Morning launch? Nightly landing? Daily journaling? Use of a productivity planner? Hit reply or comment and let everyone know what you think will be the biggest game changer for you. Another of mine is developing the habit of weekly review of things like goals, plans, and finances! But – wow, do I struggle starting new habits – do you?
Have you considered an accountability group or mastermind to help you take those steps? Don’t feel bad – we ALL need a support group, team, friends in this battle to grow! FIND THEM NOW! The key is to take action now!
Another topic Brendon spent time talking about was ANTS! That would be Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) – and specifically how we are personally responsible for maintaining our mindstate. But, without a doubt – friends HELP! By associating with the right people – those that have similar desires to maintain a positive and effective mindset, you are setting yourself up to win!
Finally, even though Brendon didn’t speak specifically about this topic, pretty much everything he spoke of results in him living what he calls a ‘“charged life”. Another way to say that is he maximizes his time in the state of flow. Honestly, based on his descriptions, he seems to have mastered a level of existence that maintains him in that state of flow constantly! Impressive as that is, it isn’t something most folks can just ‘turn on’ and ‘turn off’ like a switch – without practice. Personally – I was excited to see and hear him discuss this topic without labeling it the same way: “flow”. I’ve realized as I study this topic, that we all are searching and hunting for that feeling. With over 25 years of adult learning training and execution under my belt, I’m so excited to let you guys know that Flow Hacking is one of the most popular topics people are asking me about these days – I love teaching, and LORD KNOWS I LOVE being in flow! If you’re interested in that… or other topics discussed above –
— my thing is connecting. If any of those topics struck you as something you want to learn more about, shout out! Contact me and I’ll do my best to either help you specifically, or get you connected with the right person!
My specific areas of expertise are:
Adult learning and training
Mastermind / Accountability group establishing and maintaining
State of Flow hacking
Limiting belief and mindset adjustment
*IF you or someone you love is an adult in the first few years of learning to ride a motorcycle – TALK TO ME ASAP! There is one key thing that all riders learn, I save lives by helping new riders ‘get it’ sooner rather than later. Seriously – if you or someone you know is a new adult rider, this lesson is FREE! No obligation, no strings – FREE. This is something that saves lives, so there will never be a charge for that aspect of my motorcycle training.
Here is one video from Brendon – Enjoy!
“How to have more fun” – ALWAYS a subject of interest to me, and anyone that wants to live more EnthusiastiCLAY!
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